On general conditional prevision assessments (bibtex)
by Veronica Biazzo, Angelo Gilio, Giuseppe Sanfilippo
Veronica Biazzo, Angelo Gilio, Giuseppe Sanfilippo, "On general conditional prevision assessments", In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop of Uncertainty Processing, Liblice, Czech Rep., Sept. 19-23, pp. 23-34, 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Veronica Biazzo and Angelo Gilio and Giuseppe Sanfilippo},
  title = {On general conditional prevision assessments},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Workshop of Uncertainty Processing, Liblice,
	Czech Rep., Sept. 19-23},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {23-34},
  note = {ISBN: 978-80-245-1543-4},
  file = {Wupes09:http\://sites.unipa.it/sanfilippo/pdf/2009/Wupes09/BGS-Wupes09.pdf:PDF},
  url = {http://sites.unipa.it/sanfilippo/pdf/2009/Wupes09/BGS-Wupes09.pdf}
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